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Python 3.6.0b2

Release Date: Oct. 10, 2016

Python 3.6.0b2

Python 3.6.0b2 was released on 2016-10-10.

Major new features of the 3.6 series, compared to 3.5

Python 3.6 is still in development; 3.6.0b2 is the second of four planned beta releases.

Among the new major new features in Python 3.6 are:

  • PEP 468, Preserving Keyword Argument Order
  • PEP 487, Simpler customisation of class creation
  • PEP 495, Local Time Disambiguation
  • PEP 498, Literal String Formatting
  • PEP 506, Adding A Secrets Module To The Standard Library
  • PEP 509, Add a private version to dict
  • PEP 515, Underscores in Numeric Literals
  • PEP 519, Adding a file system path protocol
  • PEP 520, Preserving Class Attribute Definition Order
  • PEP 523, Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython
  • PEP 524, Make os.urandom() blocking on Linux (during system startup)
  • PEP 525, Asynchronous Generators (provisional)
  • PEP 526, Syntax for Variable Annotations (provisional)
  • PEP 528, Change Windows console encoding to UTF-8 (provisional)
  • PEP 529, Change Windows filesystem encoding to UTF-8 (provisional)
  • PEP 530, Asynchronous Comprehensions

Please see What’s New In Python 3.6 for more information. Additional documentation for these features and other changes will be updated during the beta phase.

Beta releases are intended to give the wider community the opportunity to test new features and bug fixes and to prepare their projects to support the new feature release. We strongly encourage maintainers of third-party Python projects to test with 3.6 during the beta phase and report issues found to as soon as possible. While the release will be feature complete entering the beta phase, it is possible that features may be modified or, in rare cases, deleted up until the start of the release candidate phase (2016-12-05). Our goal is have no changes after rc1. To achieve that, it will be extremely important to get as much exposure for 3.6 as possible during the beta phase. Please keep in mind that this is a preview release and its use is not recommended for production environments.

The next pre-release of Python 3.6 will be 3.6.0b3, currently scheduled for 2016-10-31.

Notes on this release

  • Windows users: The binaries for AMD64 will also work on processors that implement the Intel 64 architecture. (Also known as the "x64" architecture, and formerly known as both "EM64T" and "x86-64".) They will not work on Intel Itanium Processors (formerly "IA-64").
  • Windows users: If installing Python 3.6.0 as a non-privileged user, you may need to escalate to administrator privileges to install an update to your C runtime libraries.
  • Windows users: There are now "web-based" installers for Windows platforms; the installer will download the needed software components at installation time.
  • Windows Users: There are redistributable zip files containing the Windows builds, making it easy to redistribute Python as part of another software package. Please see the documentation regarding Embedded Distribution for more information.
  • OS X users: There is important information about IDLE, Tkinter, and Tcl/Tk on Mac OS X here.

Full Changelog


Version Operating System Description MD5 Sum File Size GPG
Gzipped source tarball Source release 62e53b820def90cde9cb36a573ee24f7 21.1 MB SIG
XZ compressed source tarball Source release 6ba1c213ac4022a9a8dbdf8b815feb10 15.9 MB SIG
Mac OS X 64-bit/32-bit installer macOS for Mac OS X 10.6 and later 9ec40c4e1cbbb79d8343e5dafe87e12b 26.1 MB SIG
Windows help file Windows ea87d2164b004aaba756ab31ac5a8783 7.6 MB SIG
Windows x86 embeddable zip file Windows eab8dc1bbc9300f2d4515561308c600e 6.0 MB SIG
Windows x86 executable installer Windows b97041b884da05ad4a305559e83872dd 29.2 MB SIG
Windows x86 web-based installer Windows bacbf787b7aed2fc62c5958b61dc18dc 1.2 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 embeddable zip file Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 40ac6383caacd7a66e4c5e2bbfdecc78 6.6 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 executable installer Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 0e28f186183fda0c5cca516c7b2c5133 30.1 MB SIG
Windows x86-64 web-based installer Windows for AMD64/EM64T/x64 43f561c37d1f463b76b23d92667dbf6b 1.3 MB SIG