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Python Software Foundation Public Records


Here is a transcript of the Articles of Incorporation.


Here are the PSF Bylaws.

PSF Staff

IRS recognition of tax exempt status

The PSF is a United States 501(c)(3) corporation domiciled in Delaware.

The original copies of our tax exempt application, IRS form 1023, have been lost by the PSF. The IRS provided the PSF this letter . The PSF's IRS Form 1023 application requesting 501(c)(3) public charity status, in three formats: MS Word, HTML, plain text. (The latter two formats were generated by MS Word.)

Tax Returns and Financial Information

The PSF is a United States 501(c)(3) public charity with a strong commitment to transparency and compliance.

2023 filings and related documents
2022 filings and related documents
2021 filings and related documents
2020 filings and related documents
2019 filings and related documents
2018 filings and related documents