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Nominee for 2023 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Lina Katayose

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Keio University
  • Other Affiliations: moegi co.,ltd
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, I am Lina Katayose and my primary location is Japan. I have been interested in Python since 2016 and attended PyCon JP 2016 for the first time. I have been a general speaker at PyCon JP 2017,2018 and an invited speaker in 2020. I attended PyCon US for the first time in 2018 and regularly attend PyCons in Thailand, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. I am also a staff member of PyLadies Tokyo, helping to organize and manage the event. In 2018, we supported the launch of PyLadies BKK and expanded the opportunities to interact with each other. Thanks to this, I was able to meet many Asian Python community activists. On my own, I do hardware development using Python. I was working mainly on the subject of using drones and Raspberry Pi. Not many Python engineers do hardware development, but I really enjoy it. Fortunately, Japan has Akihabara, an electronic parts store, where you can buy components and get started right away. I have been working on community activities, not only for my own Python study, but also to support the community and help many Python users to gain a broad and large knowledge of Python. To this end, I started my own company, increased my free time, and helped with PyLadies Tokyo and Python Boot Camp. Recently, I have chaired the largest events in Japan through PyCon JP 2022 and PyCon APAC 2023, and have been active in promoting the diversity, responsiveness, and inclusiveness of Python and other IT technologies.