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Nominee for 2023 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Iqbal Abdullah

  • Previous Board Service: None
  • Employer: LaLoka Labs LLC
  • Other Affiliations: The PSF, PyCon JP, PyCon APAC and EuroPython Society
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, my name is Iqbal Abdullah and this is my nomination statement for a seat on the PSF board for the 2023 elections.

      I am the founder and sole owner of LaLoka Labs, building an AI-based content generation SaaS called Kafkai.

      Within the context of my work within the Python community, I am a member of the Trademarks WG and the Diversity And Inclusion WG of the PSF. I am and have been an active member of the Python community mainly in East and South East Asia. I mainly spend my time talking about the need for diversity and also bringing attention to the very diverse community that we have within our Python communities.

      I also ran for a board seat multiple times in the past. Here are my nomination statements for my campaigns in the year 2020, 2021 and 2022.

      Within the past year, I have been to EuroPython and PyCon US 2023 (read about it on our blogs here and here) and was invited to be part of the D&I panel discussion to explain what does the D&I WG do (see the videos here and here)

      East Asia and South East Asia have one of the biggest and most diverse communities of Python developers and users and is the fastest growing segment of our community but it has been underrepresented for the longest of time. This has denied them access to the larger network of the global Python community which affects the flow of ideas, interaction and funding. They have done well in their own right, but we're starting to see disparity and discontent.

      If you have read my nomination statement up to this point, thank you. There is one VERY IMPORTANT thing that I would like you to do.

      My compatriots from my region are also running for a seat on the board this year. Their names are Kwon Han, Cheuk Ting Ho and also Georgi Ker.

      They have done a wonderful job bringing up the communities they are involved in and have worked hard to connect with the other communities outside of the Asian region. They represent the best of the best of the best of what we have in East and South East Asia, and we all know we need the best from all parts of our communities to bring us further into the future.

      All of them are more than qualified and should be on the Board, but at least one of them MUST be on the Board.

      Please vote for every one of them. Please vote for Kwon Han, Cheuk Ting Ho and Georgi Ker.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Jannis Leidel

      Iqbal has been a cornerstone for the Python community in Asia and instrumental for the PSF to understand this part of the Python community better. He has worked actively on the PSF trademarks and diversity & inclusion working groups, both of which profited from his perspective and experience immensely. I'm fully convinced that he would be an asset to the board and the foundation and provide essential input in realizing the PSF's mission of facilitating the growth of a diverse and international community.