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Nominee for 2023 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Cheuk Ting Ho

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: None
  • Other Affiliations: EuroPython Society, PyData, PyLadies
  • Nominee Statement:

      Hello, I am Cheuk. My origin is from Hong Kong, I moved to the United Kingdom in 2016 and discovered Python and the community while I was changing my career into Data Science the year after. I finished school with an MPhil. in Physics. During my university years, I have been running student associations and have been a student union council member for 2 years.

      After discovering the Python community, I have been active in community work, including organising meetups and conferences. In 2021 and 2022, I served in the EuroPython Society as a board member. In 2021, I became a Python Software Foundation fellow.

      Events that I have organised/co-organised:

      • EuroPython (one of the biggest European conferences)
      • Pyjamas (global 24-hour online conference)
      • Mentored Sprints (encourage contribution to open-source, especially from folks from marginalised groups)
      • PyData London and Global (conferences with a data science focus)

      I have also volunteered at various conferences including PyCon US and PyCon APAC.

      Besides events, I have also co-founded Humble Data Workshop, a workshop inspired by Django Girls, which aims to encourage under-represented folks to learn Python and apply it in data analysis work. This year, I have organised in-person Humble Data workshops in Namibia and Colombia to support the local Python community.

      In recent years, I have been learning Spanish and Japanese to connect with the community that speaks those languages dominantly. I have given a lighting talk in Spanish at PyCon ES in 2022.

      Besides all the community work, I have also contributed to Python open-source projects including pandas, hypotheses and Django.

      Why do I want to join the Python Software Foundation Board?

      As a member of the Python community, I feel a responsibility and excitement in supporting the day-to-day operations of the community. Including ensuring that it is a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment; encouraging representation of people from various backgrounds to become part of the community; and raising funds to support the needs of the community.

      I have participated and will keep on participating in various Python events globally to meet and bring everyone together. Nothing gives me more joy than meeting and talking to people and seeing how I can help the community. I am overcoming the language barriers by learning multiple languages, for example, there is a huge Spanish-speaking community that I would like to connect to.

      How I can contribute to the Python Software Foundation Board?

      Having the mission of promoting Python and the community in mind. I have created workshops and events that encourage learning Python for absolute beginners. I am also organising online events to lower the entry barrier for the Python community.

      To inspire the participation of under-represented folks I would like to highlight and celebrate the work and contributions of various forms, like documentation and community-building contributions from the under-represented groups.

      Besides the Board member responsibilities, I would also like to be part of the Diversity and Inclusion Work Group, Grants Work Group and Packaging Work Group

      Why I am a suitable Python Software Foundation Board member?

      With my experience serving the EuroPython Society board, I understand the responsibility of being a board member and have experience working with volunteers and other community members. I have also been working with the Python Software Foundation staff during PyCon US, and we have good working relationships.

      On top of that, I have undertaken code of conduct training and fully understand the importance of having a diverse and welcoming community. I will fully comply with the code of conduct of the Python Software Foundation at all times.

      I am a person that will stick to my commitments; during my term on the EuroPython Society board I rarely skip any board meetings and if I do I will provide a good reason. I will not make easy promises if I don’t think I can make it because when I take on a responsibility I am very serious about it. After being an active member of the Python community for 7 years, I am ready to serve as a Python Software board member for the entire term.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

      I am pleased to nominate Cheuk for a position on the Board of the Python Software Foundation (PSF). Cheuk is an exceptional individual with a deep understanding of the Python programming language and a strong commitment to advancing the Python community.

      Cheuk has been an active member of the Python community for many years. She is a Fellow, and was also a board member in the EuroPython Society for four years and organized the yearly EuroPython conference.

      Cheuk has been exceptional in mentoring aspiring Python developers through the meetups that she attends or organized.

      Cheuk has shown a genuine passion for promoting inclusivity and diversity within the Python community. She represents a big portion of an underrepresented part within our community. She is extensively connected to the many organizers of Python meetups and conference around the world, from Bogotá to London. Everytime I see her activites online, I see her talking to another member of our community.

      I am always awed by her strength to keep on going forward to understand, learn and teach Python and the values of a diverse and strong community to everyone that she meets.

      And of course she is a wonderful person on an individual level.

      To wrap up: I would like to nominate Cheuk for a seat on the board of the PSF because she will being much needed insights of what a diverse Python community looks like in this world of ours.

    • Nomination by: Sammy Fung

      Cheuk did a lot of amazing speeches and contributions at many PyCons in the world and on her online channel. She helped PyCon US, EuroPython, and many Python communities in Europe and Asia to develop. I expect that her contributions to the PSF board will help the Python community.

    • Nomination by: KwonHan Bae

      I am writing to put forward the name of Cheuk Ting Ho for your consideration. Cheuk Ting Ho, who is affiliated with EuroPython, PyData, and PyLadies, has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the Python community.

      I first encountered Ho in the PyCon APAC Chat Room and later had the pleasure of meeting her in person at this year's PyCon US. Ho's involvement in promoting PyCon APAC was invaluable, and her contributions to the operation of PyCon US were undeniably significant.

      Even after the conclusion of PyCon US, Ho's influence and assistance continue to permeate through numerous conferences in the PyCon Asia region. Her efforts have greatly benefited these events, and I have no doubt that she will continue to serve as an asset to the Python community.

    • Nomination by: Jannis Leidel

      I've worked with Cheuk recently at Anaconda and can't recommend her enough because of her enthusiasm for the Python community, considerable skills in navigating complex organizational environments, her background in community management and event organization. I was extremely impressed by her ability to present highly technical content to all levels of Python users, while being inclusive and welcoming to everyone. She has served successfully on the EuroPython Society board and has the needed skills to apply her experience to a US non-profit. She has organized various events and conferences in the past, making her keenly aware of the necessary steps the PSF needs to take to continue its mission. I fully endorse her run for the board of directors.

    • Nomination by: Tania Allard

      I want to nominate Cheuk for a seat on the PSF board. I have had the pleasure of knowing and collaborating with Cheuk on many community-led initiatives and events, and I have always profoundly admired her genuine commitment to the community. Cheuk is deeply committed to increasing the participation and inclusion of historically marginalized groups in the Python community and actively participates in initiatives such as Humble Data, Mentored Sprints, Python Sprints, and PyLadies as a mentor, organizer, participant, and sharing her knowledge and expertise with others.

      Also, as a EuroPython society member, she focused on building trust with community members, other Python organizers, and communities worldwide and on the organization of EuroPython conferences.
      She has deep ties with the Scientific Python/Data Science community and global Python communities (APAC, Europe, LatAm to name a few) which would significantly help with including and making other community member's perspectives more visible within the board.

    • Nomination by: Naomi Ceder

      I'm pleased and honored to support Cheuk for the PSF board. In the past 6 years that I've known her I've seen her involvement and dedication to the Python community continue to grow, from helping with sprints, to giving talks, to organizing events.

      Cheuk is one of those people who seems to be everywhere in the community. She has created the successful PyJamas online conference, she has helped organize EuroPython, she created the mentored sprint event which has been successful at PyCon US and EuroPython, and she seems to be always in motion as she travels the world promoting Python and the Python community. And I'm sure that's just a very partial list.

      I can think of no one who would be a better ambassador for the PSF and board member, with her exposure to Python communities around the world, her experience organizing events, and her outstanding ability to communicate and form connections with people wherever she goes.

    • Nomination by: Vicky Twomey-Lee

      I nominate Cheuk whom I first met at one of my PyLadies Dublin meetups, and over the years, she has been very involved and volunteering in many community orgs including EuroPython (EPS board and organising team), running workshops, and giving talks (and she has given a lot of talks at Python conferences internationally).

      With her experience being part of / organising events and conferences both in-person and remotely, contributions to EuroPython FinAid and focus in bringing diversity into Python community as well as bringing a smile and spark to everyone's faces when she's around, I have no doubt she would be a great contributor to the PSF Board.

    • Nomination by: Sebastiaan Zeeff

      I know Cheuk as a passionate community leader and organizer. She has a knack for bringing people together and creating environments that are both inclusive and welcoming. Personally, I also enjoy collaborating with her as part of the EuroPython organization and the EuroPython Society. In short, I think Cheuk would be a great fit for the Python Software Foundation board and that's why I nominate her.

    • Nomination by: Cristián Maureira-Fredes

      I'd like to nominate Cheuk for the PSF Board of Directors, because I believe all the advocacy that she has been putting into the Python Community is something really valuable for such position.

      I met Cheuk some years ago, due to the interaction we had in the PyCon Germany and Europython conferences, since then, I have seen how active she has been, and the initiative she has taken not only helping such conferences, but bringing Python to many other locations. She has been advocating for Python by organizing conferences, tutorials, talks, workshops, lightning talks, etc.

      Last year, I joined the Pyjamas organization team, and helped Cheuk and other organizers to run the 2022 version. Cheuk's level of compromise is really amazing, which is certainly reflected even in recent trips to countries far away from her residence, just in order to give a talk, or organize workshops. Moreover, she has been brave enough to go to conferences where the main language is not English, like last year when she surprised the audience of PyCon Spain, with a Spanish-lightning talk. This might sound a bit silly, but it gives the message of willing to integrate into other communities by understanding their reality.

      She has been helping many PyLadies organizations at the same time, which is very important for her role at the board.

    • Nomination by: Marlene Mhangami

      I would like to nominate Cheuk Ting Ho for the PSF board of directors. I have known Cheuk for several years now and have consistently seen her heart and passion for the Python community. I attend a lot of Python conferences, Cheuk attends more and volunteers at almost all of them. Not only is she one of the organizers for Python conferences like EuroPython and PyData London, she also co-founded Humble Data Workshop, an organization that hosts data analytics workshops for marginalized groups. I was so impressed to see her host these workshops not only in Europe where she is currently based but in Namibia and Ghana! Cheuk truly represents the spirit of a global community which is something the PSF is working towards.

      I can not recommend someone more highly and I hope that as you vote today Cheuk's name will be on your ballot.

      Marlene Mhangami