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Nominee for 2022 Python Software Foundation Board Election

KwonHan Bae

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: LineCorp
  • Other Affiliations: Python User Group of Korea, PyCon KR
  • Nominee Statement:

      I'm KwonHan in South Korea me and other people include younggun started PyCon Korea and Python User Group in Korea since 2014. every year PyCon KR's attendee increased and at 2016 PyCon KR team hold PyCon APAC 2016 with about 1500 people, 3 days full conference event. also we adopted ChildCare, O.S.T and code for kids. at 2019, exnted to 4 days event include tutorials and sprint. before covid-19, KR team had about 10K people to attend PyCon KR.

      as holding more conferences, I think we need to increase diversity in python community to meet more people with python.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Georgi Ker

      I would like to second the nomination of Kwon-Han for the nomination as the Director of Python Software Foundation. Kwon-Han is the chairperson of PyCon Korea since 2014. He has been a long time community leader and contributor to the Python community in Asia. Beside his involvement in PyCon Korea, Kwon-Han is instrumental to the PyCon organisers in Asia Pacific. He has been providing support to new and experienced organisers especially . Kwon-Han as a director on the board will benefit the PSF with a more represented voice equivalent to current Python users around the world.

    • Nomination by: Iqbal Abdullah

      I am nominating Kwon Han for a seat on the PSF board.

      Kwon Han has been instrumental and a major drive in increasing awareness and participation of the diverse Python community within the Korean community and APAC community with initiatives of the PSF.

      Kwon Han will be a much needed addition to the board, and he will undoubtedly give a balance and needed view on what the different communities within the APAC region will need and how to reach out to them.

      Please vote for Kwon Han and help him improve our diversity and inclusion efforts within the community.