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Nominee for 2022 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Kushal Das

  • Previous Board Service: 2014, 2016-2022
  • Employer: Sunet
  • Other Affiliations: CPython core developer and fellow at PSF. Tor Project core team member.
  • Nominee Statement:

      I am a public interest technologist working for Sunet (Swedish University Computer Network). I actively participate in various Python communities, including PSF grants working group. I used to be one of the communication officers of the PSF board. I was also conference staff of the PyCon US and part of other Pycons in various forms.

      I spent my life in different FOSS communities, both professionally & personally. I am a CPython core developer, a fellow at PSF, and part of the Tor Project core team. I also contributed to the Fedora Project for over 16 years. I help to maintain SecureDrop, which is an open-source whistleblower submission system (written in Python) that media organizations and NGOs can install to securely accept documents from anonymous sources.

      Goals for the board in 2022:

      • To continue building up the Python community worldwide and connecting people to the Python Software Foundation. I have a unique opportunity as I recently moved to Sweden and became part of the Python communities in both Asia & Europe actively. I want to ensure that the PSF board has the input from the rest of the world (than the majority of the board members). I hope my experience working in both non-profit & public sectors will bring a different perspective to the board.
      • To focus on the smaller active Python communities (PyLadies groups especially, & other groups focused on particular use cases) and ensure they get the support as required. Part of this is about working as a bridge for these communities & bringing in the members from the same groups into the upstream groups.
      • To refocus on the grants work group activities. The post-COVID world is different. Now, as a community, we can do much more with grants and related online activities around the world (as online events have become a norm in the last few years).
      • Helping out in the regular activities of the PSF as required.
  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Brett Cannon

      Kushal embodies the spirit of the Python community. He is a kind, giving participant in the community who is always willing to give up his time to help others. He has mentored many people over the years in the community. He engenders the diversity and inclusion that we strive for in the community. I do not know anyone who has a negative thing to say about Kushal.

      He is also a core developer which can be beneficial to have on the board. It facilitates communication and any needs Python's development may need from a PSF perspective.