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Nominee for 2022 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Cristián Maureira-Fredes

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: The Qt Company
  • Other Affiliations: Python en Español, Python Chile, Python España
  • Nominee Statement:


      My name is Cristián, and I have been using Python for a long time, without realizing it, I have been advocating Python in the different stages of my life, from my initial studies to my current work.

      Due to my contributions, I had the honor to become a PSF Fellow in 2021.

      Before COVID, I spent most of my time participating in local Python-related meetups, helping PyLadies Berlin and other local Python groups, and attending (sometimes as a speaker) conferences in Germany and other countries, but due to this situation I was able to approach many other communities in the World, which enabled me to get a better understanding in community duties, conference organization, sponsorships, and the pain points from many communities.

      Contribution to the Python Community

      At the moment, this is how I'm helping the Python Community:

      • I'm one of the organizers from Python Chile where we organized the first PyDay and PyCon Chilean event. Currently, we are organizing three PyDays and the national PyCon. My direct contributions are maintaining the Discord Server (main communication platform), communication and marketing, web development, and task automation.

      • I'm an active member of Python España being part of many working groups like Communication, Web/Infra, PyConES, and other tasks.

      • With many Spanish-speaking communities, we have been pushing for the Python en Español initiative where I have been maintaining the Discord server, the bots, and the website. Additionally, I'm one of the admins of the Telegram group. I'm actively interacting on both platforms, moderating and helping other people.

      • I'm one of the contributors to the Spanish translation group, in charge of translating the official Python documentation: Besides translating, I have been helping other people to start with their first contributions, automatic tasks via bots, and presenting the project in different events.

      • With other communities, we started the Spanish version of the Hacktoberfest event, and for the last years we have been organizing a special side-event, and my contribution has been maintaining the Discord server, organizing Python-related projects, and participating in sessions to help newcomers.

      • This year, I was a co-chair of the PyCon Charlas, the Spanish-speaking track of the PyConUS, where I plan to continue helping in the next versions.

      • This year, I started to help the Python Package Authority and became a moderator, helping with the handling and resolution of PyPi issues.

      Besides this, I have been participating in many other communities through events, from being a session host, volunteer, attendee, or speaker, like in PyCon Argentina, PyLatam, Python Brasil, etc.


      The goals of my candidacy focus on four main ideas:

      1. PSF International Advocacy

      Many people in the PSF have been doing their best to reach communities all over the world, but still, it’s an important pending task that the PSF has. I will join current efforts and start new ones to make the PSF a globally recognized institution, prioritizing communities and countries that are not aware of all the help they can get from the PSF.

      The ideas, activities, projects, etc will be properly documented so other communities that share a common language would be able to replicate them.

      Complementary, I would like to contact research and educational institutions to explore new ways of funding and development for the community outside the US.

      1. PSF i18n

      I will push for the translation of PSF resources, like the main website, documentation related to processes, forms, and even important blog posts. I’m certain we could offer the option to translate those resources into different languages, to at least break the initial barrier many people might have due to English not being their mother tongue. This has been started already, with initiatives that enable the different languages, as the official documentation.

      1. Divide and Conquer

      I would like "spread the knowledge" and motivate more members of the community to share duties that are currently on the shoulders of only a few people.

      I plan to start a mentoring program to train people for them to take responsibilities within the PSF, keeping an open registration for the many working groups to get help from a pool of people willing to help with the many tasks inside the PSF.

      At the same time, I would like to gather 'low hanging fruit' tasks within the PSF, improving the onboarding process for newcomers.


      I spend most of my spare time in Python-related activities, and I love to help the community: answering questions on different platforms, helping teaching initiatives, organizing local and global events, and many other activities to bring more people to our beloved community.

      I firmly believe that the duties of being a PSF Director will blend perfectly with the current activities I'm involved in.

      With every little action, I’m trying to show everyone how important is to be actively involved in the Python community, and the fulfillment you can get from helping and connecting people. My /evil/ plan is to motivate people to be more involved in the many initiatives we have, both locally and globally, so we can altogether improve Python every day.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Dustin Ingram

      I support Cristián Maureira-Fredes as a nominee for the PSF board of directors. Cristián's effort to start Python en Español demonstrates his desire to expand the PSF's reach into communities that have been historically under-served. His work to expand usage and awareness of Python itself via mentorship and advocacy embody a desire to see Python grow as a technology. And his participation in volunteer efforts such as PyPI moderation and Python docs translation show that he is willing to put in the effort necessary to build an effective and engaged community and organization.