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Nominee for 2022 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Cassandra Granade

  • Previous Board Service: New Board Member
  • Employer: Microsoft
  • Other Affiliations: Unitary Fund
  • Nominee Statement:

      Throughout my 15-year career in quantum computing, Python has been an immense resource for research, for creating and running quantum programs, and for exploring quantum mechanics. Python has helped me to teach scientific computing skills to research students, to write books that introduce quantum computing to new communities, and to collaborate on libraries like QInfer, InstrumentKit, QuTiP, and QCoDeS that help enable quantum computing research.

      I would love the opportunity to share what I’ve learned on this journey to help make Python an even better choice for scientific programming, and to learn from others working to make the Python community even more inclusive and empowering.

  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by: Sarah Kaiser

      Cassandra has been involved as a developer and Python community member for over 10 years in both academic and commercial contexts. As a researcher, she used Python and Jupyter notebooks to help collaborate, research and share her results with the community. She developed and gave multiple workshops helping students and researchers get started, and use advanced features of the Python ecosystem in their work. To help scale her community building and education efforts, she has also written a book for Python developers to help them understand and get involved in quantum technologies. She has also been the leading voice in the quantum technology community, promoting and facilitating the adoption of inclusive practices at conferences and meeting places. The numerous conferences she has helped organize and chair, as well as diversity and inclusion initiatives have given her plenty of experience fundraising and planning events.

      Engaging with the Python and broader OSS community is her passion, she has contributes to and maintains many different projects like conda, QuTiP, qinfer, Python support for the Quantum Development Kit, as well as participating and speaking at Python user groups all over the world. She always has time to help fellow contributors with their issues and PRs and does great code reviews that help the author make the best contribution they can. She is currently on the Advisory Board at Unitary Fund, an OSS non-profit supporting the quantum open source ecosystem. There, she also mentors grant winners to help them succeed and participates in the grant evaluation process. She would be an absolutely fantastic board member, helping support and grow the Python community <3