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Nominee for 2021 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Zheao Li

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: Alibaba Cloud
  • Other Affiliations: Co-Chair of the PyChina, Co-Funder of the PythonHunter, Microsoft Python MVP
  • Nominee Statement:


      Here’s my experience:

      1. Co-Founder of the PythonHunter, the only Python-related podcast in China, covering over 10000 listeners
      2. The organizer of the Python User Group Monthly Meetup from 2017 to now
      3. PyCon China 2018/2019/2020 co-organizer
      4. PyCon China 2018/2019/2020 for Ladies co-organizer
      5. Keynote Speaker at the PyCon China 2018/2019
      6. Co-Chair of PyChina from 2020 to now
      7. Microsoft MVP (Python) from 2020 to 2022


      I have been a professional Python developer for more than 5 years. During these years, I have been attracted by the elegance of Python and the enthusiasm of the Python community. So I started to contribute to the Python Community.

      During these years, I have had many different roles in the Python Community. I’ve been a developer, a contributor of CPython, co-chair of the Chinese Python Community, and organizer and speaker of PyCon China.

      In 2017, I organized the first meetup for the Python Beijing User Group. The meetup had more than 100 attendees.

      And then, in 2018/2019/2020, I became a co-organizer of PyCon China. We organized PyCon China in 5 different cities and have attracted more than 2000 attendees each year. In 2018/2019/2020, I’m also a co-organizer of PyCon China for Ladies. I want to help more ladies join the developer community by inviting many female developers to share their experience and expertise

      I’m promoted as a co-chair of PyChina in 2020. During this year, besides organizing the monthly online meetup, I also helped the Chinese Python community communicate with other technology communities to share the experience of development between us.

      If I have the chance to be one of the PSF board, I want to do three things during my term.

      First, I will help get more chances to help the developers in Asia communicate with each other by organizing more conferences across countries. I think It will help people share important experiences.

      Second, I will do more things to help female developers join the developer community. I want to invite more female developers to share experiences of their own to encourage ladies, letting them know that becoming a female developer is not a hard thing. I will also help the people to do the mock interviews and the development courses, to help female developers to improve their skills.

      Last, I will cooperate with schools, including universities, middle schools, and community colleges, to make more courses, hackathons, workshops to help students learn more about Python, and use Python to do the things they want.

      Alright, that’s all I want to share about myself, You can find me on GitHub( or Twitter(