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Nominee for 2021 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Adam Hopkins

  • Previous Board Service: New board member
  • Employer: PacketFabric, Inc.
  • Other Affiliations: Sanic
  • Nominee Statement:

      You can learn a lot from me from this snippet:

      class Adam:
          def __init__(self):
     = PacketFabric("Lead Sr. Software Engineer")
              self.oss = Sanic("Core Maintainer")
              self.home = Israel("Negev")
          async def run(self, inputs: Union[Pretzels, Coffee]) -> None:
              while True:
          def sleep(self):
              raise NotImplementedError

      Sorry for the ", apparently the platform doesn't like my quotes. You can see a cleaner version on my GitHub profile

      I am a very passionate supporter of Python, and have worked in the language for 20+ years and experienced its growth. I worked bring the Sanic project into a community run organization, and created the operating structure for the community. Yes, I am also a licensed attorney, so I am one of those rare breeds of people that actually likes reading documents like that.

      I would like to assist in the growth and planning of the PSF, and would work hard to participate. In addition to managing the Sanic project, I enjoy spending time mentoring young developers, and presenting talks at Python conferences. I am very dedicated, and would love to help drive the PSF forward.