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Nominee for 2020 Python Software Foundation Board Election

Serah Rono

  • Previous Board Service: No
  • Employer: The Carpentries
  • Other Affiliations: Open Knowledge, Code for Africa, Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement, Open Institute
  • Nomination Statements:
    • Nomination by:

      It is my pleasure to nominate Serah Njambi Rono to serve on Python Software Foundation's Board. Serah has been employed with The Carpentries for 1.5 years, and in her time she has led a task force that developed The Carpentries Core Values, developed The Carpentries Communications Strategy, and developed several resources to promote community engagement and collaboration among Carpentries community members.

      Serah takes pride in honing her technical skills and interpersonal skills. She has served on the planning committee for csv,conf for several years, and successfully advocates for equity and access among conference participants. Serah was a CSCCE Community Engagement Fellow. Through this fellowship she developed skills that have helped her collaborate, specifically in scientific settings.

      Serah values working with global communities and supporting diverse learners. She also mentors several of The Carpentries team members in helping them learn how to code. Serah's personal values of advancing programming and supporting diverse communities directly aligns with PSF's mission. Serah would bring an inclusive perspective to PSF's board, and as the Executive Director of The Carpentries, I highly support Serah's involvement as a board member.

      My best, Dr. Kari L. Jordan Executive Director The Carpentries

    • Nomination by:

      Serah Njambi Rono is currently the Director of Community Development and Engagement for The Carpentries where she has worked leading community efforts to bring more people to programming and creating inclusive environments for people to teach, work and learn. She has worked with Python for many years and previously was a Developer Advocate for Open Knowledge and Code for Africa. Additionally, she has worked on the Code4Kenya project and helped develop the global data literacy bootcamp, d|Bootcamp civic data workshop. She has been an organizer of csv,conf for the past two years, and helped develop the format for the CarpentryConnect regional meetings. Serah has worked on so many aspects of Python that are important to the community, including as a developer, developer advocate, conference organizer and particularly as a person actively working to make programming a space welcome to all. She would be an excellent addition to the PSF, representing the values of the PSF organization and actively working to represent the broad and diverse community of people engaging with Python.